In The Future, My Bemused Son Will Say…

Dad, when you were a kid, no one was online?

You drove your own car, however fast you liked?

And for a long time, people spent all their time without an enhanced digital reality?

You used keyboards all the time with a mouse, and you couldn’t talk to any of the devices in your home?

And, Dad, you got clean by spraying running water over yourself?

And no one had tablets in school and all had to learn the same stuff at the same time from one person who wasn’t an expert in anything?

And when people took supplements, they all took the same ones, without having their DNA or microbiome sequenced?

And no one had access to cognitive enhancing drugs, except coffee and nicotine???!!

And people thought fats were bad, and carbs were good?

When you wanted to see a doctor, you waited 2 weeks and you couldn’t do it on video call?

And the doctor got annoyed if you Googled and self diagnosed and he had no data on you and you’d wait a week for a test result?

And everyone pretty much died at 80?

And you had paper money for a really long time because businesses like taxis avoided tax and didn’t take Bitcoin?

And money was kept in banks who charged you for not knowing exactly how much money you had, and they didn’t tell you the moment you went overdrawn and posted you a letter about it?!!!

People who weren’t happy didn’t have trans cranial headsets or cognitive enhancing drugs and they all took Prozac that did nothing?

And everyone had to buy the same food and you couldn’t personalise your shop at all?

And all the ads for stuff, none of those were personalised either?
